Cara Cek Kuota Tri Lewat SMS: Trik Mudah dan Praktis untuk Sobat Rodaoto!


Welcome, Sobat Rodaoto! In this article, we will guide you through the process of checking your Tri internet quota via SMS. As one of the popular telco providers in Indonesia, Tri offers a convenient way for its users to stay updated on their data usage. By following these simple steps, you can easily keep track of your Tri internet quota without any hassle.

So, let’s dive into the world of Tri and discover how you can check your internet quota via SMS. Get ready to have all the information you need at your fingertips!

1. How to Check Your Kuota Tri Lewat SMS

Step 1: Compose a New SMS

To begin, open your messaging application and create a new SMS, just like when you send a regular text message.

Step 2: Enter the Correct Format

In the recipient field, enter the Tri SMS service number: 123.

Next, in the message field, type “INFO” followed by a space, and then type your Tri number.

Example: INFO 089XXXXXXX

Step 3: Send the SMS and Await the Response

After verifying that you have entered the correct format, simply send the SMS. Wait for a moment, and you will receive a reply containing detailed information about your Tri internet quota.

By following these simple steps, you can easily check your Tri internet quota without the need for an internet connection or any additional apps!

2. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Insufficient Credit

If you encounter an error stating that you have insufficient credit to perform the SMS, make sure you have a sufficient balance on your Tri number. Top up your balance and try again.

Delays in Receiving the Response

In some cases, there might be delays in receiving the response SMS. Don’t worry, this can happen due to network congestion. Simply be patient and wait for the SMS to arrive.

Incorrect Format

Make sure you follow the correct format mentioned in step 2. Check your Tri number and ensure there are no extra spaces or incorrect characters. Any discrepancies in the format may result in an error or failed response.

3. Table Breakdown: Understanding the Response

Data Type Description
Regular Quota The main internet quota that can be used for various online activities.
Midnight Quota Additional quota specifically provided for usage during midnight hours.
Entertainment Quota Quota allocated for streaming and accessing entertainment platforms.
Social Media Quota Quota specifically dedicated to accessing social media platforms.

Understanding the information received in the response SMS is crucial to know how much data you have left in each category. Referencing the breakdown table above, you can easily identify the type of data and its allocation.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often can I check my Tri internet quota via SMS?

A: You can check your Tri internet quota via SMS multiple times a day. There are no limitations on the number of checks you can perform.

Q: Can I check my remaining validity period through this SMS method?

A: No, the SMS method only provides information about your Tri internet quota. To check the validity period, you can use the Tri mobile application or visit their official website.

Q: Is there an alternative way to check my Tri internet quota?

A: Yes, besides the SMS method, you can also check your Tri internet quota through the official Tri mobile application or by accessing their website via a browser.

Q: Do I need an active internet connection to check my Tri internet quota via SMS?

A: No, you do not need an active internet connection to check your Tri internet quota via SMS. The SMS method works independently of your data connection.

Q: Will I be charged for checking my Tri internet quota via SMS?

A: Yes, standard SMS charges apply when checking your Tri internet quota via SMS. Make sure you have enough credit on your Tri number to avoid any issues.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the type of Tri subscriptions that can use this method?

A: No, all Tri subscriptions can use the SMS method to check their internet quota. Whether you have prepaid or postpaid, you can easily follow the steps mentioned above.

Q: Can I check my remaining data balance for other Tri services via SMS?

A: No, the SMS method is specifically designed to check your Tri internet quota. For other Tri services, you can refer to their respective methods or contact Tri customer support.

Q: What should I do if I receive an error message after sending the SMS?

A: If you receive an error message, double-check the format and ensure that you have sufficient credit. If the issue persists, you can contact Tri customer support for further assistance.

Q: Can I use this SMS method for Tri numbers associated with mobile MiFi devices?

A: Yes, you can use this SMS method for Tri numbers associated with mobile MiFi devices. The process remains the same, regardless of the device type.

Q: Will I receive a notification when my Tri internet quota is about to expire?

A: Tri provides notifications via SMS when your internet quota is about to expire. Keep an eye on these messages to ensure uninterrupted internet access.


Congratulations, Sobat Rodaoto! You’ve now mastered the art of checking your Tri internet quota via SMS. With this knowledge, you can easily stay on top of your data usage and never run out of internet again! If you want to explore more tips and tricks related to Tri or other fascinating articles, feel free to browse through our website. Happy browsing and enjoy your unlimited internet surfing with Tri!